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Intelligent Mine Technology Program and its Implementation

Mining is commonly seen as a typical basic industry with rough and even dangerous working conditions, heavy environmental load, and a low level of high-technology and automation with much manual work and operations. A mining operation (open pit or underground) is a very complex one consisting of many manual, physical, mechanical and logistical operations with different human interfaces and decisions. For this reason it is a demanding and potential area for all applications of automation and information technology: controlling difficult non-linear, time varying multivariable processes and machines; solving of ergonomic safety and environmental problems; automation of logistical systems; applying robotics, mechatronics, and information handling, etc. In addition to that, big economic sums are involved with these operations. On the other hand, automation technology has developed towards intelligent and adaptive systems including some from the above mentioned fields of automation. Connecting them with modern information and communication technologies makes the idea of an intelligent and unmanned mine more and more feasible in the near future. This requires intensive co-operation and co-ordination between the mining industry and manufacturers of mining machinery. This has been successfully accomplished in the five-year Intelligent Mine research and development program as well as the three years of subsequent implementation of its results in Finland. The basic elements of an Intelligent MineTM concept are:mine-wide information and data acquisition system; high-speed two-directional mine-wide communication network for real-time monitoring and control;computerised information management, mine planning, control and maintenance systems;automated and tele-operated machinery and equipment which are connected to the information system;and links to the public information networks. The degree of automation of an intelligent mine depends on many technical and economical factors. The basic precondition for such an approach is that it will improve the total economy of the mine. This paper will describe the Intelligent Mine Technology Program with the results. Also the implementation which took place during starting of a new underground mine (Outokumpu Chrome Oy Kemi Mine) will be described.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.914 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007013

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