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Modelling Assisted In Situ Leach Mining for Non-Ferrous Minerals

The aims of this paper are to present the governing science, verify the performance and demonstrate the potential engineering applications of a computational simulator for in situ leach mining of non-ferrous minerals. Assuming that the target mineral is deposited either uniformly within rock matrixes (matrix-hosted) or on fracture walls (fracture-hosted), in situ leaching can be treated as reactive flow and transport in geological media (porous media for matrix-hosted ore deposits and fractured media for fracture-hosted ore deposits). Under this treatment, the processes of in situ leach mining for non-ferrous minerals can be quantified through several sets of equations and these coupled equations have been numerically solved. The computational simulator has been applied to the simulations of one-, two-, and three-dimensional in situ leaching cases. The computational simulator, together with laboratory and in situ leaching tests, can be used to:optimise the leaching chemistry;optimise the in situ scale mining operations;scale up the in situ scale test operation to a full-scale mining operation; andevaluate the post-mining environmental restoration plan.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.187 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007090

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