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PC-BC: A Block Cave Design and Draw Control System

This paper presents an overview of a program PC-BC developed for application to the design and evaluation of block cave operations. Conventional mine planning software tools are not well suited to the evaluation of this type of deposit. The paper looks at the modelling approach as applied to a block cave mining project. The following steps are described:Initial preparation of data including block models, draw point footprint geometry and draw cone geometry.Computation of individual draw point reserves.Procedure for modelling of vertical mixing of material within each draw point and subsequent determination of the best height of draw for each draw point based upon an economic cut-off value.Smoothing of draw heights amongst neighbouring draw points to produce a realistic draw envelope. Mineable reserves within the envelope are then computed.Tools for preparation and evaluation of various production schedules. This includes definition of draw rates, and rates for commissioning new draw points.In an operating mine, the capture and analysis of daily draw tonnages is important. How PC-BC accommodates this is described as well as the processes for depleting the draw column reserves. In the 12 years since the program was first developed, it has been used on a number of projects for feasibility studies and operating mines. Some practical examples of the use of the program in these projects are presented. Finally, some commentary on the sensitivity of various parameters is presented. Particular emphasis is placed on the overall footprint design.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.6 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007050

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