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Quantifying Geotechnical Risk in the Mine Planning Process

In many cases mine design is the most important driver of the profitability of a mining project, however to reach an optimum' mine plan many compromises have to be made. Some of the fundamental profit (and loss) drivers relate to stoping methods and stope design parameters. Inevitably trade-offs have to be made between the stability of underground openings, ground support costs and production efficiency. This paper looks at the role of geomechanics in the mine planning and design process. The concepts of controllable losses' and uncontrollable losses' are developed as a means of partitioning ground control costs. A stope design example is given which provides a method of examining mining costs, and includes a decision making element in order to quantify geotechnical impacts and select stope dimensions. The method also provides a general framework as a means of balancing ground control costs against maximising returns from an underground mining project.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.187 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007009

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