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The Evolution of Sublevel Caving at Trojan Mine, Bindura, Zimbabwe

Several technical and economic factors have to be taken into consideration in developing an optimal mining method. This paper describes some of the important factors learnt during the evolution of the sublevel cave mining method at Trojan Nickel Mine, part of the Bindura Nickel Corporation (BNC) in Zimbabwe. Sublevel caving (SLC) has been successfully implemented at Trojan mine since its introduction in 1994. The method has evolved over the past six years into a system that has brought about improvements in efficiencies and productivity. Although the original design parameters used were sound and provided a solid foundation for the system, they needed to be optimised to get the best out of the mining method. Improvements and changes have been made in areas such as the drilling process, charging and blasting techniques, ring pattern design, development size and shape, and the draw control system. This has enabled the mine to develop an SLC operation that is efficient and innovative. Experience gained, together with the theory available has given us a much better understanding of the system. This knowledge will be used in the future to enhance the system further. Given the low grades of the BNC Mines, management recognises that only through technical excellence and efficient mining can the mines reduce mining costs and maintain profitability and competitiveness on the world market. In the Zimbabwe mining industry reaction to technological change, mechanisation and advancement have been relatively slow, due to isolation and economic constraints, compared to the rest of the world. Economic difficulties prevail, with high inflation levels, a poor exchange rate, lack of foreign currency and other associated problems. Despite these constraints, the bold steps taken have transformed Trojan mine into a more efficient and competitive operation, presenting itself as the leading mine in the BNC group. Appendices give data to illustrate the benefits obtained.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.091 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007053

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