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The New Development of Continuous Mass Mining Technology Research in China

After having briefed the technical and economical advantages of continuous mass mining in underground metal mines, the authors discuss the four stages of research and development of continuous mass mining in China. The four stages are: vibrating ore drawing in a stope, continuous mass mining in a stope continuous mass mining without rib pillars in an area and continuous mass mining in whole mine. The authors briefly review the research achievements of the first and the second stage; Combining the key national research project of the Ninth Five Year Plan' - The experiment and research of continuous mass mining without rib pillar', the authors introduce in detail the technological condition of mining, the design ideas of continuous mass mining, the design scheme of mining, the technology of mining. the equipment of mass mining, the chief research achievements and so on. The success of research of continuous mass mining without rib pillar indicates the arrival of the third stage of research. The introduction of continuous mass mining will promote the technology revolution of mining in China remarkably. The authors also point out that the development direction of continuous mass mining of the 21 century is continuous mass mining in whole mine, which is the fourth stage of research.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.192 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007094

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