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Conference Proceedings

Metallurgical Plant Design and Operating Strategies (MetPlant) 2006

Conference Proceedings

Metallurgical Plant Design and Operating Strategies (MetPlant) 2006

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Designing Flotation Cells For Optimised Flow Dynamics

In today's marketplace, with high metals prices, many operations are faced with the challenge of improving recovery in the particle size ranges which are normally difficult to recover. This presentation focuses on the various methods used to alter the flow dynamics in a mechanical flotation cell, thereby improving metallurgical results._x000D_
Modern computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools have been used in the design phase, with subsequent validation at the plant. Some of the validated variables include mixing profile, power draw and local air hold-up. This presentation underlines how modern CFD analysis can be used to screen and select different approaches before commencing costly trial-and-error experiments at plant scale._x000D_
Two methods of affecting flow dynamics are discussed - firstly, by altering the geometry of the rotor-stator area and, secondly, by fitting additional features in the tank. The rotor-stator area can be modified to provide more concentrated turbulent kinetic energy or, respectively, to provide more pumping efficiency with less attrition. The tank can be fitted with various additional features, aimed to create different particle suspension profiles._x000D_
The benefit of both methods is that they can be applied not only to newly installed flotation technology, but also to existing plant cells, thus enabling potential improvement in the mixing profiles, solids suspension, tank sanding and metallurgical performance. Results of several sites' tests are discussed in terms of flow variables measurement as well as metallurgy._x000D_
This paper demonstrates the effects of different flow dynamics on the mixing profiles and metallurgical results of existing mechanical flotation cells._x000D_
FORMAL CITATION:Grnstrand, S, Niitti, T, Rinne, A, Turunen, J and Bourke, P, 2006._x000D_
Designing flotation cells for optimised flow dynamics, in Proceedings Metallurgical Plant Design and Operating Strategies 2006, pp 140-159 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2006
  • PDF Size: 2.497 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200608013

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