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MetPlant 2011

Conference Proceedings

MetPlant 2011

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On-Belt Analysis at Sepon Copper Operation

To maintain copper recoveries and maximise production at the Sepon Copper Operation it is crucial to control the amount of copper entering the leaching circuit. This requires close control of blending of the multiple ROM stockpiles to achieve the desired head grade. Grade variability in the ROM stockpiles can lead to significant variation in the processing plant copper feed grade.Head grade sampling from the milling circuit at Sepon is complicated due to milling in leach solution to preserve the water balance. Copper is present in both liquid and solid forms and copper in the added milling solution has to be accounted for. This leads to difficulties in manual head sampling which also introduces delays due to sample preparation and assay turnaround. On-stream analysis is complex because of the solution and solid copper and the need to account for recycled copper solution.This paper describes the complexity of feed grade management at Sepon and the application of on-belt analyser technology to assist in the control of copper metal throughput._x000D_
FORMAL CITATION:Arena, T and McTiernan, J, 2011. On-belt analysis at Sepon copper operation, in Proceedings MetPlant 2011, pp 527-535 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2010
  • PDF Size: 2.852 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201107040

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