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Conference Proceedings

Mill Operators' Conference, North West Queensland

Conference Proceedings

Mill Operators' Conference, North West Queensland

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Dynamic Modelling of Dense Medium Cyclone Washing Circuits

A dynamic model of a dense medium circuit has been developed and tested against plant data. The model shows the response of the circuit to both controlled (changes in specific gravity set point or changes in circuit coal feed rate) and uncontrolled changes (changes in raw coal moisture, loss of raw coal feed) in operating conditions. The model is built up from dynamic models of the individual sumps, pumps, pipes, splitters, magnetic separators and automatic controllers in the circuit. The model can be used for design of automatic control loops and for investigation of possible process modifications such as changes in water addition points. This paper describes the model construction, the testing of the model against actual plant data and gives some examples of its use in investigating plant response to changes in operating conditions.
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  • Published: 1977
  • PDF Size: 0.681 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P197801023

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