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Conference Proceedings

Mill Operators' Conference, North West Queensland

Conference Proceedings

Mill Operators' Conference, North West Queensland

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Practical Problems in Chemical Control of Flotation

Successful chemical control of flotation requires practical solutions to many problems._x000D_
A brief discussion is first given of those para- meters which can be controlled and those which it would be desirable to control. Suitable analytical methods for application to flowing pulp and to clear solution from pulp are out- lined in relation to on-line and off-line control. Practical problems of deciding where a measurement is to be made or a sample is to be taken and how the sample is to be prepared and presented to the measuring device are then considered. Equipment calibration and maintenance are considered in relation to the above factors.
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  • Published: 1977
  • PDF Size: 0.385 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P197801049

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