Conference Proceedings
Mine Waste and Tailings Conference 2021
Conference Proceedings
Mine Waste and Tailings Conference 2021
Full PSD rejects shear strength testing for co‐disposal and assisted tailings dewatering technique selection
Daunia and Caval Ridge coal mines, owned and operated by BHP, have been co-disposing rejects and dewatered tailings within spoil dumps from the beginning of their operations in 2013 and 2014, with the purpose of minimising environmental impact and geotechnical risk. Following the recent large failures of tailings dams around the world, BHP Coal, through its Coal Tailings Program, plans to transition other coal mines to deliver “dry” tailings and produce mixed plant rejects (MPR) for inpit co-disposal. This will materially reduce future tailings dam risk exposure. Previous laboratory shear strength testing was conducted on rejects with a maximum particles size of 20 mm, and some concerns were raised that this might not represent the mechanical properties of the actual full particle size distribution (PSD) rejects. BHP was also aware that using different technologies to dewater the tailings, such as belt press filters (BPF) and solid bowl centrifuge (SBC), could produce thickened tailings which could significantly modify the physical behaviours of the MPRs, particularly the bonding between particles. Therefore, laboratory testing on both coarse rejects and mixtures of the coarse rejects and dewatered tailings (MPRs), with full PSDs, was carried out. Testing was performed using the large direct shear machine developed by the Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP) project C20019 in 2017, as well as a 300 mm diameter triaxial apparatus at the University of Newcastle (UoN). This paper presents details of the laboratory testing program and results for the rejects from the first studied mine of the BHP Coal Tailings Program. It compares the shear strengths measured at full scale with those tested on modified (scalped or crushed) specimens in the past; and discusses the tailings dewatering technique selection from geotechnical aspects based on the testing results, and finally presents some dump and tip head stability analysis results using the testing results.
J Li, S Fityus, D Payne, S Vaughan, G Burton
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- Published: 2021
- Pages: 14
- PDF Size: 2.806 Mb.
- Unique ID: P-01813-X7C9K4