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Conference Proceedings

Mining Geology 2014

Conference Proceedings

Mining Geology 2014

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Geologists and the Value Chain - How Material Characterisation by Modern Mineralogy can Optimise Design and Operation of Processing Facilities

Minerals, minerals, minerals. Elements occur in the earth as minerals. If local physical, chemical and structural conditions are conducive to concentrating these minerals to sufficiently high abundances in the earth's crust, a mineral deposit will form. If technology is available to extract metals from the minerals economically, then you have a mineral resource that will be mined and processed. Determining which minerals are present and quantifying their abundances, textural characteristics (grain size and shape) and how they are intergrown with each other is the realm of the mineralogist. Geologists use this mineralogical data to understand how the mineral deposit formed, how to find high-grade zones within the deposit and where to find other mineral deposits. Metallurgists use this data to design, operate and optimise processing facilities to extract metals from the minerals. The types, quantity and precision/resolution of the mineralogical data required by geologists and metallurgists are different, but are not mutually exclusive of each other. Fortunately, measurement technology is available that is relatively rapid, high volume and low cost, thus enabling ore and gangue mineral characterisation at a historically unprecedented scale of a mineral resource._x000D_
CITATION:Ehrig, K, Liebezeit, V, Smith, M, Macmillan, E and Lower, C, 2014. Geologists and the value chain - how material characterisation by modern mineralogy can optimise design and operation of processing facilities, in Proceedings Ninth International Mining Geology Conference 2014, pp 5-14 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2014
  • PDF Size: 0.314 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201407002

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