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Mining Geology 2014

Conference Proceedings

Mining Geology 2014

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The Geology of the Wilber Deposit, Andy Well Gold Project, Murchison District, Western Australia

The 335 000 oz Wilber Deposit is located within the Meekatharra-Wydgee Archaean greenstone belt in the Murchison District of Western Australia. The deposit comprises high-grade gold mineralisation hosted within a steeply west-dipping quartz lode, which lies within a broader (20-60m) north-east striking shear zone envelope. Locally, the northerly-trending host rock geology includes greenschist facies high-Mg basalt (albite, actinolite, chlorite, biotite, calcite, zoisite, muscovite and titanate) intruded by at least two generations of felsic to intermediate porphyries (albite, actinolite, zoisite, chlorite, sericite, biotite, quartz and titanate). The Archaean rocks are cross-cut by a number of east-west striking Proterozoic dolerite dykes (biotite (50 per cent), albite, carbonate, epidote, titanate and actinolite) that are interpreted to have intruded pre-existing regional structures. The entire mine package is cross-cut by a system of shallow north-east-striking, north-west-dipping, barren quartz veins that commonly contain large (up to 30 cm), euhedral, smokey quartz megacrysts.The north-east-trending lode lies within a 3 m wide shear zone and varies from a single discrete 0.5 to 4 m wide laminated, massive or brecciated quartz-carbonate vein to multiple laminated veins up to 1 m wide within the shear. The veins exhibit strong boudinage, with cross-cutting quartz-carbonate seal veins in the boudin necks. The boudin necks often contain pink calcite. The shear zone fabric wraps closely around the boudin necks proximal to the vein, becoming more lode parallel distal to the vein. The lode is offset by a north to north-north-west trending fault.Mineralisation occurs as free gold within the quartz carbonate veins, with accessory sulfides including pyrite_x000D_
sphalerite. Fuchsite is observed in the veins, as laminar wall rock inclusions, with visible gold commonly associated with the wall rock laminations.Gold grades range from less than 1 g/t within the hosting shear zone, either at the margins or interstitial to the veins, to approximately 30 g/t in the single vein, and up to greater than 60 g/t in the multiple vein areas. Gold is commonly visible and disseminated throughout laminated, breccia and massive quartz veins, although laminations show the highest concentration of gold grains.CITATION:Hingston, R, Wellman, T and Sternadt, G, 2014. The geology of the Wilber Deposit, Andy Well Gold Project, Murchison District, Western Australia, in Proceedings Ninth International Mining Geology Conference 2014 , pp 55-64 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2014
  • PDF Size: 13.21 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201407008

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