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Reshaping Minerals Tertiary Education in Australia

University education in Australia is changing, driven by greater market orientation, reduced funding available per student, especially in the higher-cost minerals industry disciplines, and the call for more flexible delivery of subjects and courses to meet changing lifestyles and expectations. The opportunity exists for a true partnership to develop between industry, government and academia that will reshape minerals education in Australia and secure the future supply of the specialists industry needs to maintain international competitiveness. If this partnership does not emerge, it is anticipated that Australia's somewhat fragmented and unstable higher education system, especially in the disciplines of particular relevance to the minerals industry, will be put under further pressure so decreasing its effectiveness to produce quality graduates. The Minerals Council of Australia in 1998 published Back from the Brink', a discussion paper which proposed strategies to build a world class minerals tertiary education system in Australia. Those strategies are now being implemented collaboratively with principal emphasis on the disciplines of mining engineering, metallurgy and earth science and as far as process is concerned, on the necessity to cooperate to compete'. For metallurgy, the challenge is to integrate more closely undergraduate teaching with the existing world-class research centres and to link the tertiary institutions in such a manner that the strengths of all components are harnessed and then made available nationally in major population centres and at remote sites where appropriate. For industry the challenge is to build effective partnerships with the academic community that will enable and assist the agreed course of action to take place.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.379 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200005015

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