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The Scheduling, Costing and Importance of Metallurgical Testwork Programs in Process Plant Feasibility Studies

The metallurgical testwork program is generally the most important critical path item for the completion of a bankable feasibility study and hence can become the critical parameter for financing of potential mining projects. This paper presents generic detailed testwork programs suitable for bankable feasibility studies for a gold leaching and polymetallic flotation study. The design of the metallurgical testwork program for each of the two differing processes is discussed and the critical factors that effect the selection of the testwork programs are highlighted. The importance of the metallurgical testwork results in predicting the metal recoveries and cash flow prediction for the project is presented. The detail of the testwork programs costing is broken into activity based methods based on the laboratory and management hours/costs, such that generic rule of thumb costing guidelines can be generated. The scheduling, costing and importance of the metallurgical testwork program to process feasibility studies are discussed in this paper.
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  • The Scheduling, Costing and Importance of Metallurgical Testwork Programs in Process Plant Feasibility Studies
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.966 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200005011

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