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Transient Mathematical Model of Blast Furnace Based on Multi-Fluid Concept

Blast furnace is a countercurrent moving bed reactor that produces pig iron from iron bearing materials like pellet, sinter or lump ore. The furnace has cylindrical shape and the lump solid materials are alternatively charged onto the top of the furnace. Hot air is introduced through tuyeres that are set on the lower furnace wall. Auxiliary fuels (pulverised coal, oil or natural gas) and raw materials (fine ore or fluxes) are injected into the furnace with blast air from the tuyeres. In front of the tuyeres, coke particles react with oxygen in the blast air and generate carbon monoxide. The hot reacting gas heats up the lump solids and reduces iron oxides in the upper furnace. In the middle height of the furnace, the reduced iron and slag are fused by the combustion heat and form the cohesive zone. The molten iron and slag that are generated in this region trickle down through the packed bed of coke particles and flow into the bottom of the furnace. Therefore, the flows of gas, lump solids and liquids exist at the same time in the lower part of the blast furnace.
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  • Published: 2000
  • PDF Size: 1.011 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200005069

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