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Use of Ion Exchange Resin for Cyanide Management During the Processing of Copper-Gold Ores

Copper-gold ores have been technically difficult and uneconomical to process due to high consumptions of cyanide. Many copper oxide and sulphide minerals react with cyanide to form copper cyanide complexes, partly contributing to the high level of weak-acid dissociable cyanide in the tailings which is normally experienced during the processing of copper-gold ores. The cost for detoxification, if required for treating these tailings, would further inhibit the development of these copper-gold resources unless the cyanide used for leaching was recovered. Several technologies have been proposed to process copper-gold ores, aiming to recover copper as a co-product and cyanide for recycling in conjunction with the leaching process. A critical review of these processes reveals that a pre-concentration stage (solvent extraction or resin ion exchange) is required. Cyanide is recovered by the conventional Acidification-Volatilisation-Regeneration technique in most cases. A critical evaluation is also provided on technical aspects related to the use of Vitrokele Technology and a newly developed Elutech process in processing copper-gold ores, in particular with its application at May Day Mine.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.723 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200005026

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