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Waste Recycle in the Catalytic Waste Converter

Ausmelt has developed and commercialised high temperature reactor technology that has been applied to waste processing in the form of a catalytic waste converter (CWC). Ausmelt Technology uses a top submerged lance system within a versatile converter containing an oxidised molten siliceous slag. Metals and other valuable products can be extracted from wastes for recycle into the community. Non-valuable components such as toxic organochlorinated compounds are destroyed and prevented from reforming. The slag produced is inert and can be safely used in building and concreting. The CWC can be applied to practically all types of wastes and examples from Ni-Cd batteries to toxic wastes are discussed. Additional benefits can be derived from large-scale operations if the surplus heat generated is exploited to produce steam and electricity.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.142 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200005006

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