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Conference Proceedings

Narrow Vein Mining Conference 2012

Conference Proceedings

Narrow Vein Mining Conference 2012

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Using Borehole Radar to Refine Orebody Interpretations in a Narrow Vein Gold Deposit

In December 2010, a trial of borehole radar technology was conducted to test the usefulness of the technique in better refining the position and geometry of narrow vein orebodies away from the primary data sources of drilling and mapping of development excavations. This paper summarises the reasons why the technique was applied, describes the testing methods selected and summarises the outcomes of the trial.Poor reconciliations of recovered metal from a section of an orebody at Jundee mine site, Western Australia, led to an investigation that identified insufficient understanding of the geometry of a narrow vein orebody as a potential cause. This orebody was situated between mapped development excavations and away from surrounding drill holes. Borehole radar was identified as a possible technique that could supply information on vein location and continuity away from other data sources allowing more accurate orebody modelling and subsequent stope optimisation.A borehole radar instrument (10 - 100 MHz frequency) was inserted into pairs of purpose-drilled boreholes on either side of relatively well-constrained mineralisation and the radar reflection data was collected. This process was repeated in five locations across the mine to represent the most common geological settings, lithologies and orebody varieties encountered at Jundee to determine the suitability of applying the technique in each of these settings. Collected, processed and interpreted radar data was compared to other geology data collected independently for verification and interpretation.Conclusions drawn from the analysis were that the technique could effectively determine the following features of the mineralised veins in the majority of test environments: geometry of veins, magnitude of offsets where structures intersect and orientations of planar structures with short strike length. The technique was very useful in selecting the appropriate structural interpretation where available data could lead to multiple, equally likely, interpretations.CITATION:Kemp, C and Morgan, G, 2012. Using borehole radar to refine orebody interpretations in a narrow vein gold deposit, in Proceedings Narrow Vein Mining 2012 , pp 121-130 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2012
  • PDF Size: 0.765 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201202013

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