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Conference Proceedings

New Leaders' 2005

Conference Proceedings

New Leaders' 2005

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Engaging Generation Y with the Minerals Industry

Following a decline in direct and indirect employment in the minerals industry between 2000 and 2003, the situation reversed in 2004 and employment rose by 12 per cent. Furthermore, there are forecasts of continuing employment growth in the minerals industry in the immediate future. For those of us charged with promoting the virtues of a career in the minerals industry this is encouraging news, as it provides us with the evidence to promote the increasing employment opportunities of a healthy and vibrant industry. However, for many others - particularly the employers in this industry - the news is not so rosy. The jobs are there, and in increasing numbers, but the workers aren't! Employers right across the industry are finding it increasingly difficult to fill vacancies with suitably qualified and skilled employees and the competition is becoming fiercer._x000D_
In the minerals and energy sector, questions are being asked and solutions sought on the industry's ability to attract and retain a skilled workforce. From many quarters - industry, government and the education sector, calls for urgent action are becoming louder._x000D_
The reasons for this are well known - the nature of the work, the remote location, perceptions of the industry, an aging workforce, the gender imbalance, the shrinking demographic of school leavers. It is the latter I wish to focus on - the Generation Y demographic - those who have recently left school, those who are in higher education or have recently entered the workforce, or those who are still at secondary school._x000D_
These young people are the next cohort of potential employees for the industry. But our need for them appears to be greater that their perceived need for us! How do we engage them so they are informed about the industry? How do we inform and advise them so they are prepared to consider further education and training in disciplines and skill areas relating to our industry? How do we guide and motivate them to give it their best shot and work in it - at least for part of their working life? These are fundamental questions that many within the industry have been grappling with for quite some time._x000D_
Let me share with you some of the strategies that the Minerals Council is implementing to address this issue._x000D_
FORMAL CITATION:Stuart, D, 2005. Engaging generation Y with the minerals industry, in Proceedings New Leaders' 2005, pp 27-30 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2004
  • PDF Size: 0.098 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200503005

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