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Conference Proceedings

Ninth Mill Operators' Conference

Conference Proceedings

Ninth Mill Operators' Conference

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The Application of Ausmelt's AM28 Alkyl Hydroxamate Flotation Reagent to Fox Resources' West Whundo Copper Ore at Radio Hill, Western Australia

Ausmelt is supplying commercial quantities of an alkyl hydroxamate flotation collector AM28 for flotation of oxide and supergene base metal ores and tailings. AM28 is a non-hazardous product used as a ten per cent to 50 per cent solution in dilute potassium hydroxide. It is a selective flotation collector for oxide or oxidised base metal minerals and replaces conventional sulfidisation for oxide mineral flotation._x000D_
At Radio Hill, the AM28 is used in conjunction with traditional sulfide collectors, which allows simultaneous flotation of oxide and sulfide copper minerals. The Fox Resources Radio Hill copper concentrator near Karratha, Western Australia, is currently configured to treat supergene copper ore sourced from the West Whundo open pit. This Archean VMS type copper deposit has been deformed and remobilised with uplift, erosion and weathering to form a significant supergene zone. The sulfide copper minerals present in the upper zone are digenite and chalcocite with lesser chalcopyrite and covellite. Oxide copper minerals present include cuprite, with lesser malachite and azurite. Gangue minerals include quartz, talc and chlorite._x000D_
Plant trials at Radio Hill are reported for supergene West Whundo ore, where the AM28 was stage added into the circuit at nominally 80 g/t. Plant data over three months shows the copper recovery increased consistently from around 50 - 60 per cent to above 70 per cent when AM28 was added. This has been proven statistically. The grade of the concentrate was consistent with and without AM28, at nominally 22 - 24 per cent copper.
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  • The Application of Ausmelt's AM28 Alkyl Hydroxamate Flotation Reagent to Fox Resources' West Whundo Copper Ore at Radio Hill, Western Australia
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  • The Application of Ausmelt's AM28 Alkyl Hydroxamate Flotation Reagent to Fox Resources' West Whundo Copper Ore at Radio Hill, Western Australia
    Normal price $22.00
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  • Published: 2006
  • PDF Size: 0.139 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200701007

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