Conference Proceedings
NQ Gold 89 Conference, Townsville Qld
Conference Proceedings
NQ Gold 89 Conference, Townsville Qld
Epithermal Gold in Queensland - A History of Recognition and Discovery
Prior to 1980 the thought of the occurrence of high-level epithermal gold mineralisation occurring in eastern Queensland would have been more of a dream than a reality. In a world-wide sense the understanding of the processes and tectonic settings for epithermal gold were only beginning to be developed. Although epithermal gold deposits had been mined in the past in Queensland the significance of these deposits in a regional sense had not been appreciated. A number of companies had made cursory examinations of epithermal regions in the Mt Coolon and Cracow regions. Since the mid 1980's the search for epithermal gold mineralization in Queensland was truly on and over 30 tonnes of gold from this style of deposit has been discovered.
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- Published: 1989
- PDF Size: 0.202 Mb.
- Unique ID: P198903006