Conference Proceedings
Ore Reserve Estimates - The Impact on Miners and Financiers, Melbourne, March 1990
Conference Proceedings
Ore Reserve Estimates - The Impact on Miners and Financiers, Melbourne, March 1990
Quality Assurance of Sampling and Assaying in the Evaluation of Gold Resources
The financing of mineral ventures is usually supported by the valuation of a mineral asset, the physical size and composition of which have been determined within quantified limits of accuracy in order that the lending or investment risk can be assessed. The Resource or Ore Reserve estimation is the measurement of that asset and may be the outcome of complicated processes of interpretation and estimation requiring an extensive knowledge and understanding of the general nature of ore occurrences, and of the particular deposit under review. In arriving at an interpretation of the nature and physical distribution of minerals in a deposit, observations may only be available from widely spaced samples and geological knowledge and principles are of prime importance. Consultants may be asked by the lending or investing body to "provide comfort" on the quality of the Resource or Reserve estimations and providing such comfort casts substantial obligations of diligence on the consultant.
N H Hanson
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- Published: 1990
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- Unique ID: P199001011