Conference Proceedings
Ore Reserve Estimates - The Impact on Miners and Financiers, Melbourne, March 1990
Conference Proceedings
Ore Reserve Estimates - The Impact on Miners and Financiers, Melbourne, March 1990
The Estimator and the User
The Joint Committee of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) and the Australian Mining Industry Council (AMIC) have published a Code for the Reporting of Identified Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. The Code is the result of an initiative begun in 1971 to achieve industry self regulation of Resources and Ore Reserves reporting which resulted first in guidelines for reporting standards but which have now been incorporated in ASX Listing Rules as a Code with significant sanctions ensuring compliance. This paper describes the background to the Code, its key provisions, and comments on practical aspects of working with the Code and compliance issues.
D McMahon, R Morland, R Peck
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- Published: 1990
- PDF Size: 0.068 Mb.
- Unique ID: P199001016