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Conference Proceedings

Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990

Conference Proceedings

Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990

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Distribution, Character and Setting of Mineralised Palaeozoic Volcanic Sequiences, Burdekin Falls Region, Northeastern Queensland

Three volcanic sequences of different ages occur close together in the Burdekin Falls area, southeast of Charters Towers in northeastern Queensland. The oldest is equated with the Cambro-Ordovician Mt Windsor Volcanics, and consists mostly of strongly deformed, regionally metamorphosed rhyolitic lava and minor feldspathic to quartzose sandstone. This unit is overlain by folded but unmetamorphosed Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous volcanics (DCv) of the lowermost Drummond Basin sequence. The primary volcanic facies of (DCv) principally comprises andesitic and rhyolitic lavas, and dacitic ignimbrites._x000D_
Similar volcanics are widespread in the lowest formations of the Drummond Basin sequence elsewhere, and dominate that sequence east of the Anakie Inlier. The youngest volcanic sequence is Late Carboniferous and composed of lower, more deformed, compositionally diverse ignimbrites, lavas and conglomerates, overlain by generally less deformed rhyolitic ignimbrite sheets. The upper part is equated with the Bulgonunna Volcanics which extend 90km south to the Mt Coolon area. The Burdekin Falls area contains an ignimbrite stratigraphy different from that in the south. However, one of the most voluminous ignimbrites (Locharwood Rhyolite) in the southern stratigraphy is also present in the north, enabling the two to be correlated._x000D_
Each of the three volcanic sequences reflects proximity to eruptive sources. Both the volcanics at the base of the Drummond Basin sequence and the Late Carboniferous volcanics are largely the products of subaerial eruptions. The former were erupted from several intermediate-composition volcanoes, and the latter from multiple-vent silicic calderas. All three sequences are considered to be prospective for precious and/or base metal mineralisation._x000D_
Polymetallic massive sulphide deposits occur in the Mt Windsor Volcanics farther west, and many epithermal gold prospects and mines are hosted by the volcanics at the base of the Drummond Basin, especially east of the Anakie Inlier. The Late Carboniferous volcanic sequence is deeply eroded, and co- magmatic high-level plutons are widely exposed; this sequence may therefore be more prospective for deeper-than-epithermal mineral deposits.
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  • Distribution, Character and Setting of Mineralised Palaeozoic Volcanic Sequiences, Burdekin Falls Region, Northeastern Queensland
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  • Distribution, Character and Setting of Mineralised Palaeozoic Volcanic Sequiences, Burdekin Falls Region, Northeastern Queensland
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  • Published: 1990
  • PDF Size: 0.775 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199003041

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