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Conference Proceedings

Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990

Conference Proceedings

Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990

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Identification of the Architectural and Surficial Burrow Morphologies of Ancient Lungfish and Crayfish Burrows: Their Importance to Ichnology

Lungfish and crayfish inhabit continental ecosystems similar to those of their ancient counterparts in the Permian (lungfish) and Triassic (crayfish) Periods, exhibiting similar burrowing behaviors to live, breed, and escape desiccation._x000D_
Identification of their burrows in the geologic record when body fossils are absent has relied on the overall gross morphology of the burrows and the process of elimination. A method of burrow identification has been developed by evaluating burrow structures in an attempt to designate architectural and surficial burrow morphologies that uniquely reflect the distinctive burrowing mechanism of a particular organism. The information from this method defines the burrowing signatures of an organism, enabling the differentiation of their burrows even when fossil evidence is lacking._x000D_
The lungfish constructed simple, vertical burrows with bulbous terminations. The burrow walls exhibit fine, horizontal to sub-horizontal striae and vertical to sub-vertical striae near the top of the bulbous terminus, reflecting a burrowing style similar to modern burrowing lungfish. The crayfish constructed simple, vertical burrows to complex burrows with multiple branching and chamber development. The burrow surface ornamentations exhibit horizontal to sub-horizontal ridges, vertical to sub-vertical groupings of scratches, mud- and lag-liners, knobby and hummocky textures, and body impressions, which reflect the burrowing mechanism of the crayfish.
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  • Identification of the Architectural and Surficial Burrow Morphologies of Ancient Lungfish and Crayfish Burrows: Their Importance to Ichnology
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  • Identification of the Architectural and Surficial Burrow Morphologies of Ancient Lungfish and Crayfish Burrows: Their Importance to Ichnology
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  • Published: 1990
  • PDF Size: 0.711 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199003092

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