Conference Proceedings
Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990
Conference Proceedings
Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990
Island Arc Geodynamics: A Model with Implications for Seismic and Magmatic Processes
Slow seismotectonic movements along the in- clined deep fault zone under the compressional horizontal stresses are supposed to be the prin- cipal mechanism controlling the structure and processes in the active ocean margins. Within the scope of the plane strain problem a simple 2-D geomechanical model for the evolution of an island arc system is investigated. We consider a homogeneous elastic half-plane with a shea- ring surface crack. The key element of the model is viscous interaction between the crack sides, the viscisity varying with depth. The model dif- fers from the classical steady-state mode of subduction by nonstationary creep processes on deep faults and by possibly cyclical development of the transition zone._x000D_
A numerical modeling of the stress-strain state within the island arc system through time was carried out using a semianalytical approach._x000D_
The results of simulation are in good agreement with geological, geophysical, and seismological data.
A numerical modeling of the stress-strain state within the island arc system through time was carried out using a semianalytical approach._x000D_
The results of simulation are in good agreement with geological, geophysical, and seismological data.
S E Zharinov, S S Demin
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- Published: 1990
- PDF Size: 0.728 Mb.
- Unique ID: P199003096