Conference Proceedings
Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990
Conference Proceedings
Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990
Stress Field and Cenozoic Tectonics of North Vietnam
In North Vietnam, large ductile shear zones are observed along the Red river fault and the Dienbien fault. Left- lateral sense of the Red river shear zone is related to the direction of shortening E-W. NE dipping foliation planes is subvertical. Stretching lineation is subhorizontal ( 25). Left-lateral slip observed in the Oligocene Yansun granites demonstrates the major tectonic phase in Neogene, The stress field established from microfaults observed in triassic limestones, Oligocene granites and Neogene Conglomerates. Measurements of striations on fault mirors are used for calculating the stress tensor and for separating tectonic phases. Two tectonic phases in tertiary are separated : first tectonic phase related to the compressive direction E-W corresponds to the major tectonic phase represented by NW left- lateral shear zone. Second phase having the compressive direction N-S associated with the right-lateral movement of the Red-river fault zone opening of the Eastern sea and the Red-river and the Red-river delta is associated with the left-lateral movement along the Red-river.
T Phan-Trong, P Tapponnier
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- Published: 1990
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- Unique ID: P199003161