Conference Proceedings
Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990
Conference Proceedings
Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990
Submarine Hot Springs, Cold Seeps, and Serpentinte Diapirs on the Pacific Rim
Fluid circulation occurs in oceanic crust of all ages, at the seafloor spreading axis, on mid- ocean ridge flanks, in the ocean basins, and in subduction zones. In the first three settings the fluid originates as seawater. At the axis and on the ridge flanks, the circulating seawater produces a major chemical exchange between the oceans and the crust. Based on heat budget constraints, between 10 and 40% of the river flux of Mg can be taken up during high-temperature alteration of the basaltic crust along the mid- ocean ridge axis. Most of the hydrothermal -heat loss, however, occurs on the mid-ocean ridge flanks, where the temperatures are lower and the seawater flux correspondingly larger. The estimated heat loss on the flanks is so large that upwelling must occur over a large fraction (5-30%) of the seafloor less than 65 Ma in age, at seepage velocities on the order of 10 to 100 cm/yr. The circulating seawater need lose less than 1 to 2% of its Mg content in order to solve the Mg mass balance for the oceans. Fluids in subduction zones are commonly less saline than seawater and are rich in methane and other light hydrocarbons. These fluids may originate by dewatering of the downgoing slab. If so, they may close the geochemical cycle of H2O that began with hydration of the basaltic crust at the ridge axis.
M J Motti
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- Published: 1990
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- Unique ID: P199003164