Conference Proceedings
Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990
Conference Proceedings
Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990
The Argentine Pyroclastic Loes
The Argentine pyroclastic loess are vulcanogenic deposits, which have their sources in the circumnpacific rim. The object of this work is to realize a de- tailed mineralogical characterization of this sediments, to use it like a geo logic outline which regiters discordance or similarity in them, The sampling zone extend from 714N-4125 to 622W-339S. The descriptions of these sediments was considered like basic, mesobasic or acid rocks. The basic sediments, looking like andesite-basaltic composition, are fill- ing the andean valley. The mesobasic one have a similar composition with a pyro- clastic dacite rock, and have been found in marshy pleistocene sediments in the intermountain valley and in the pampeana prairies. The acid ashed conform rhyoda- cite-rhyolite sediments which form the pampeana loess covers in the prairie.
A Karlsson, A Patino
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- Published: 1990
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