Conference Proceedings
Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990
Conference Proceedings
Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990
The Mafic Volcanics
The Lower Palaeozoic Woolomin Association is composed of chert and jasper (often radiolarian), siliceous argillite, the mafic volcanics with associated hyaloclastites, and occasional greywacke and limestone lenses. Several "Cyprus- type", conformable pyritic copper (+/- zinc and cobalt} sulphide lenses are spatially related to individual mafic volcanic units and manganiferous chert and/or jasper. The Association has been interpreted to represent an oceanic crustal remnant generated either in an island arc environment (Herbert, 1981) or at a divergent plate boundary (Scheibner and Glen, 1972; Leitch, 1974a, 1975) later to be obducted, or tectonically emplaced, into continental crust; the adjacent Peel Fault was considered to be the palaeo-obduction zone (Scheibner and Glen, 1972) and the associated alpine-type mafic/ultramafic complex, an ophiolite (Crook and Felton, 1975).
H K Herbert
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- Published: 1990
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