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Conference Proceedings

Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990

Conference Proceedings

Pacific Rim Congress, Gold Coast Qld, May 1990

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The Toba Tuffs and Lake Toba Caldera, Sumatra

The eruption 75,000 y ago of the Younger Toba Tuff ignimbrite and associated ash-fall ranks as the greatest known volcanic event of the past million years. The ignimbrite is known to cover 21,000 km2 (it may extend farther under alluvium of the coastal plain) and forms a low-angle depositional shield centered on the Lake Toba caldera. The ignimbrite is largely nonwelded and shows systematic outward decreases in lithic and crystal contents and clast sizes. Coarse lithic lag breccias that occur at places 85 km apart point to two or more vents on a fissure having this length. The extensive associated ash-fall traceable as far as Malaysia and India is evidently a co-ignimbrite ash but could have a phreatomag- matic component. The Lake Toba caldera measures 95 x 35 km and is >1 kn deep. It is not a single caldera but comprises several contiguous depressions and grabens diversified by two re- surgent domes. Earlier parts of the caldera are related to at least two earlier ignimbrites including the Older Toba Tuff dated by Chesner at 0.5 Ma. The caldera is elongated parallel to, and is only 25 km from, the great Sumatra strike-slip fault, and it can be considered almost certain that the caldera is in part a kind of pull-apart structure. The ignimbrites are very crystal-rich._x000D_
There is no reason to think basaltic magma was involved in their emplacement. Together with ash- falls they have a total volume of several thousand cubic kilometers. They can be categorized as originating from partially crystallized granitic magmas that erupted because tectonic pull-apart occurred several times across the pluton. Small rhyolitic lava domes on fault-lines comprise the youngest volcanic products.
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  • Published: 1990
  • PDF Size: 0.04 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199003213

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