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X-ray based technologies for geometallurgical characterisation

Mineralogy and texture are becoming increasing recognised as significant drivers for complete geometallurgical understanding of ore bodies and their processing behaviour. Geometallurgy requires the application of cost effective characterisation technologies that can be implemented at the deposit-scale in order to quantify both the spatial variability of key attributes and to reduce uncertainty by facilitating higher sampling densities (Dominy et al., 2018). A broad range of techniques exist for mineralogical and textural characterisation of ore domains, considerably expanding the geometallurgical toolbox available across the mining value chain. Such techniques include hyperspectral core scanning (e.g., HyLogger, Corescan; Schodlok et al. 2016), X-Ray tomography technologies (Miller and Lin, 2018) and automated microscopic techniques (e.g., QEMSCAN/MLA; Sousa et al., 2018). These techniques supplement more traditional analytical techniques/datasets typically available at different stages of exploration and mine planning, including multielement assay, physical geological mapping and petrography. Critically, the application of each technique needs to be scale- or resolution- appropriate to consider the feature sizes that needs to be resolved (e.g., 20 m gold grains vs. 500 m sulphide grains) and what sampling density needs to be achieved.In this study, we have utilised micro X-ray fluorescence based technology which is capable of rapidly analysing unprepared drill core samples and has applications for characterising geometallurgical attributes including modal chemistry, mineralogy and textural relationships between ore and gangue phases. CITATION: Fox, N, Parbhakar-Fox, A and Gloy, G, 2019. X-ray based technologies for geometallurgical characterisation, in Proceedings PACRIM 2019, pp 8386 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2019
  • PDF Size: 0.593 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201901025

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