Conference Proceedings
PACRIM '95 Congress, Auckland, New Zealand, November 1995
Conference Proceedings
PACRIM '95 Congress, Auckland, New Zealand, November 1995
Papers in collection
- 3.26 GA Black Smoker-Type Textures and Setting of VMS Mineralisation in the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia: Ancient Analogues of Modern Pacific-Rim Processes Go to Paper
- A Case Study of the Zhilingtou Gold-Silver Deposit, Zheijang, China Go to Paper
- A Comparison of Massive Sulfide Deposits Forming at the PACMANUS (Manus Basin, PNG) and Jade (Okinawa Trough, South China Sea) Seafloor Hydrothermal Fields Go to Paper
- A Model Study of the BHP New Zealand Steel Iron-Making Melter Go to Paper
- A New Source of Gallium - Geothermal Muds Go to Paper
- A Petrographic and Oxygen Isotope Study of Banded Epithermal Veins from the Martha Hill Au-Ag Mine, Waihi, New Zealand Go to Paper
- A Potential Use of Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Zonations of Wall Rocks in Prospecting Skarn Pb-Zn Deposits at Kamioka, Central Japan Go to Paper
- Accreted Terranes and Porphyry Copper Deposits in the Central Andes Go to Paper
- Alluvial Platinum-Group Minerals in Southern New Zealand Go to Paper
- An Integrated Agency Approach to Mine Site Environmental Management and Control in New South Wales, Australia Go to Paper
- Application of Alluvial Gold Mineralogy to Exploration of the Central Ranges, Irian Jaya, Indonesia Go to Paper
- Atlas of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Maps with Monograph of Late Jurassic-Quaternary Sediments of the World Go to Paper
- Australian Participation in the Ocean Drilling Program: an Economic Geology Perspective Go to Paper
- Bubble Flow Pattern Detection in the Water Model of a Metal Treatment Unit. Go to Paper
- Case History of the Discovery of the Hishikari Gold Deposit, Japan Go to Paper
- Characteristics of Low Sulphidation Gold-Copper Systems in the South-West Pacific Go to Paper
- Comparative Proton and Electron Probe Study of Two Representative Indium-Bearing Deposits Go to Paper
- Comparison of Vein Styles and Distributions Between Rhyolite- and Andesite-Hosted Epithermal Gold-Silver Deposits of the Hauraki Goldfield, New Zealand Go to Paper
- Comparison of Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulphide Deposits in Modern and Ancient Back-Are Basins: Examples from the Southwest Pacific and Australia Go to Paper
- Composition of Fluid Inclusions from the Hellyer and Mt. Chalmers VHMS Deposits, Australia: Implications for Source of Ore-Forming Fluids Go to Paper
- Constraints on the Dynamics of Rifting and Denudation on the Eastern Margin of Australia: Fission Track Evidence for Two Discrete Causes of Rock Cooling Go to Paper
- Copper Skarn Deposits in Eastern China Go to Paper
- Correlations Among CO2, Cl, 3He and Heat Discharged from Geothermal Systems of the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand Go to Paper
- Debt Finance: The Technical Factors Go to Paper
- Development of Environmental Management Systems in the Mining Industry Go to Paper
- Distant Fields - Are They Really Greener? Go to Paper
- Environmental Geochemistry of the Halls Peak Massive Sulphide ZnPbCuAg Deposits, New South Wales, Australia Go to Paper
- Environmental Management of a Traditional Coal Mining Site Go to Paper
- Environmental Management Plans to Reduce Mine Closure Costs Go to Paper
- Environmental Management Systems for Mining Companies Go to Paper
- Epithermal Deposits: Diverse Styles, Diverse Origins? Go to Paper
- Erosion Driven Isostatic Flexure: A Structural Model for Gold Mineralisation in the Otago Schist, New Zealand. Go to Paper
- Evolution of Cenozoic Oil-and Gas-Bearing Sedimentary Basins of Active Continental Margins: Northeastern Asia and Bering Sea. Go to Paper
- Exploration of Porphyry Copper Lithocaps Go to Paper
- Features of an Intact Fossil Hydrothermal System and Implications for Gold Mineralisation: Onemana, Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand Go to Paper
- Field-Based Alteration Mapping Using the PIMA Go to Paper
- Gas Chemistry and Isotopic Signature of Fumaroles at Galeras Volcano, Colombia Go to Paper
- Geochemical Mining Impact and Possibilities of its Reduction Go to Paper
- Geological Controls on the Formation of Gold Rich Porphyry-type Deposits Go to Paper
- Geological Features and Origin of Gold Deposits Occuring Within the Jiamusi Precambrian Massif, Northeast China Go to Paper
- Geophysical Characteristics, Deep Structure, Magmatism and Metallogeny of the Pacific Belt Go to Paper
- Geophysical Signatures of Andesite Volcanoes in New Zealand - Contrasts and Structural Implications Go to Paper
- Geothermal Systems in New Zealand and the Philippines - Why are they so different? Go to Paper
- Gold Mineralization at the Porgera Gold Mine, Papua New Guinea, in Response to Fluid Mixing Go to Paper
- Gold, Silver and Base Metal Deposits of the Chillagoe District, Australia: Hypothermal to Epithermal Overprinting Go to Paper
- Golden Cross Mine - Gold Mining in a Sensitive New Zealand Environment Go to Paper
- Golden Cross Mine - Mining and Processing Operations - Waihi, New Zealand Go to Paper
- Government Controls on Mining - How to Encourage Investment by Major Mining and Exploration Companies Go to Paper
- High Sulfidation Alteration at the Island Copper Porphyry Copper Deposit, Vancouver Island, Canada Go to Paper
- High-Si Rhyolites and Shoshonitic Volcanics Go to Paper
- Human Resources and Exploration Economics in a Developing Pacific Rim Go to Paper
- Hydrothermal Activity, Vent Fauna, and Submarine Gold Mineralization at Alkaline Fore-Arc Seamounts Near Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea Go to Paper
- Hydrothermal Eruptions in Ore Forming Reservoirs: Analogues and Models Go to Paper
- Inception and Evolution of Cenozoic Arc-Type Volcanism in Northern New Zealand Go to Paper
- Intragraben Fault Zones, Volcanism, and Geothermal Evolution in the Oregon-Idaho Graben, U.S.A. Go to Paper
- Land Reclamation Trials and Practices at Martha Hill Gold Mine, Waihi, New Zealand Go to Paper
- Magma Suites and Metallogeny - Examples from the Canadian Cordillera Go to Paper
- Magnetite-Cu-Au Deposits in Deeply Eroded Magmatic Arcs: Lessons from Proterozoic Terrains Go to Paper
- Mesothermal Gold Deposits of Westland, New Zealand and Southern Alaska: Products of Similar Tectonic Processes? Go to Paper
- Mesozoic-Cenozoic Tectono-Magmatic Evolution and Metallogeny of the East China Continental Margin Go to Paper
- Metallogeny and Evolution of the Asia-Australia W-Sn Metallogenic Belt on the Western Pacific Rim Go to Paper
- Methods of Restoring New Zealand Native Forests After Mining Go to Paper
- Mexican Ag-Au and Ag-Pb-Zn Epithermal Deposits: Hydrothermal Products of a Magmatic (?) Heritage Go to Paper
- Mineral Resource Policy Issues for Sustainable Development: Corporate and National Imperatives Go to Paper
- Mineralisation of the Morobe Goldfield, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea Go to Paper
- Mining and the Resource Management Act 1991: Is the Playing Field Level? Go to Paper
- Miwah Prospect High Sulphidation Au-Cu Mineralisation, Northern Sumatra, Indonesia Go to Paper
- Nature Conservation and the Minerals Industry Go to Paper
- Needed New Technologies for the Development of Earth Resources: Energy, Water, Wastes, Mining Go to Paper
- Northern New Caledonia High-Pressure Metamorphic Core Complex. From Continental Subduction to Extensional Exhumation Go to Paper
- PACMANUS: An Active Seafloor Hydrothermal Field on Siliceous Volcanic Rocks in the Eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea Go to Paper
- Permian and Mesozoic Tectonic and Structural Events in the Bowen and Surat Basins and New England Orogen, Southwest Pacific Rim Go to Paper
- Personal Liability - Chartered Practising Status and Best Practice Defences for Pacrim Practitioners Go to Paper
- Petrology, Geochemistry and Tectonic Implications of Magmatism in Northern Hunter Ridge-Kadavu Island Group (Fiji). Go to Paper
- Physical and Chemical Evolution of Placer Gold Deposits During Rise of Antiformal Ranges, Central Otago, New Zealand. Go to Paper
- Plate Tectonics and the Precambrian-Phanerozoic Evolution of Australia Go to Paper
- Polymetallic Mineralization Associated with Cenozoic Volcanism in Northern Puna, Argentina Go to Paper
- Possible Metallogenic Significance of Epizonal, Polymetallic Vein Mineralisation at San Bartolome in the Ecuadorian Andes: A Working Hypothesis. Go to Paper
- Potential for Revegetating Base-Metal Tailings at the Tui Mine Site, Te Aroha, New Zeland Go to Paper
- Precious Metal Mineralisation Associated with the Cretaceous Paparoa Metamorphic Core Complex, New Zealand Go to Paper
- Productivity Improvement Case Study: Use of True TQM in Developing Australia's Largest Underground Coal Mine Go to Paper
- Pyroclastic Flow Deposits, East Zhejiang, Southeast China: Their Characteristics and a Petrogenetic Model Go to Paper
- Regional Stream Sediment Geochemistry Database (REGCHEM) for Selected Regions of New Zealand Go to Paper
- Simulation of Solute Movement and Comparison with Experimental Data Go to Paper
- Strategic Research Support for the Mining Industry - the Role of the Australian Centre for Minesite Rehabilitation Research Go to Paper
- Structural Controls in the Tarnagulla Goldfield, Central Victoria: Implications for Metamorphically Derived Auriferous Fluids Go to Paper
- Structural Permeability and Fluid Flow in Fault-Fracture Meshes Go to Paper
- Structural Permeability in the Southern Alps Hydrothermal System, New Zealand Go to Paper
- Tectonic Features of Sumatra and New Zealand in Relation to Active and Fossil Hydrothermal Systems: A Comparison Go to Paper
- Tectonic Setting of Stratiform Ore Deposits Buried in Sedimentary Cover of the Pacific Ocean Go to Paper
- The Australian Equity Market as a Source of Capital for Pacific Basin Mineral Development Go to Paper
- The Batu Hijau Porphyry Copper - Gold Deposit, Sumbawa Island, Indonesia Go to Paper
- The CCRS SWIR Full Spectrum Imager: Mission to Nevada, June, 1995 Go to Paper
- The Century Discovery, Queensland, Australia - Is Exploration Ever Complete? Go to Paper
- The Distribution of Hydrothermal Minerals at the Golden Cross Epithermal Au-Ag Deposit, Waihi, New Zealand. Go to Paper
- The Ebor Volcano: a Miocene-age Central-type Intraplate Volcanic-intrusive Complex, Northeastern NSW, Australia Go to Paper
- The Epithermal Au and Porphyry Cu (Au) Relationship in the Western Pacific and Central Europe Go to Paper
- The Formation of Banded Epithermal Quartz Veins at the Golden Cross Mine, Waihi, New Zealand Go to Paper
- The Geology of the Mesel Sediment-Hosted Gold Deposit, North Sulawesi, Indonesia Go to Paper
- The Hazards of Gold Prospecting in Endangered Fauna Country Go to Paper
- The Influence of Resource Rent Taxation on Mining and Investment Strategies Go to Paper
- The Mineral Wealth of Nations Go to Paper
- The Mt Kasi Gold Mine, Fiji Go to Paper
- The New Zealand Mining Regime with Particular Reference to the Development of Minerals Programmes Go to Paper
- The Peak Hill High Sulphidation Gold Deposit, NSW Go to Paper
- The Porgera Gold Deposit : Structure, Alteration and Mineralisation Go to Paper
- The Porgera Gold Deposit, Papua New Guinea: The Influence of Structure and Tectonic Setting on Hydrothermal Fluid Flow and Mineralisation at a Convergent Plate Margin Go to Paper
- The Recognition of Pseudoclastic Textures in Hydrothermally Altered Subaqueous Dyke Rocks and Lavas: Some Economic Implications Go to Paper
- The San Cristobal Gold District, Antofagasta, Chile Go to Paper
- The South Australian Exploration Initiative - Benefits to Government and Industry Go to Paper
- The Structural and Hydrodynamic Framework for Epithermal Exploration Go to Paper
- The Tolukuma Gold Silver-Vein System, Papua New Guinea Go to Paper
- The Underutilized Role for Economic Geologists and Geochemists in Environmental Aspects of Mineral-Resource Development Go to Paper
- The Waihi Epithermal Gold-Silver Quartz Vein System, New Zealand: a High-Throughput Geothermal System of Late Miocene Age Go to Paper
- The Wakamarina Gold-Scheelite-Quartz Lodes, Marlborough, New Zealand Go to Paper
- Treasure Islands - Second Edition Go to Paper
- Triassic to Early Cretaceous Tectonic Evolution of New Zealand Terranes: A Summary of Recent Data and An Integrated Model Go to Paper
- Use of Helicopters in Mineral Exploration to Minimise Environmental Impact, Mount Painter Area South Australia Go to Paper
- U-Th Isotopes and the Generation of Magmas Along Destructive Plate Margins Go to Paper
- Volcanic and Structural Evolution of Central Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand Go to Paper
- Volcanic Stratigraphy, Structure and Controls on Mineralization, Golden Cross Mine, New Zealand. Go to Paper
S W Caddey, A W McOnie, P G Rutherford, B F Houghton, C J N Wilson, C Hawkesworth, S Turner, E Heath, F McDermott, P van Calsteren, A R Hughes, N Mortimer, R Widdup, D N B Skinner, R L Brathwaite, P Blattner, G S Plumlee, K S Smith, D G Semple, G J Corbett, T M Leach, R W Henley, M A Etheridge, R Horn, E Egert, S Kasaneva, C L Moore, J C Waters, S M Munroe, G Corbett, T Leach, R Stewart, B Fulton, P R Degeling, E Cole, W P Player, C H Adsett, G P Taylor, B W Mackenzie, G E Hancock, S Gillies, K W Perry, S L Garwin, D Hendri, P F Lauricella, C R J Simpson, J L Mauk, G B Arehart, S J Mathews, A H G Mitchell, J C Carlie, P M Ashley, R A Duncan, C A Feebrey, M P Simpson, S F Simmons, A McOnie, G C Broadbent, G Borstad, R Neville, R Marois, P Kowalyczk, M Ehling, P Hauff, G Lipton, R Kern, G Edmundo, R Bedell, C Sabine, A Crosta, T Miura, S Perry, V Sopuck, R Chapman, M Tilkov, K O'Sullivan, M Hornibrook, D Coulter, S Bennett, B Irianto, G H Clark, P J Woodford, L E Levin, J V Lawless, P J White, I Bogie, M J Andrews, S C Cox, D Craw, R H Sibson, R M Molloy, V Morand, W R H Ramsay, L C Bell, X Zhan, P N Warnes, A B Christie, Y Du, M Roberts, A J Tulloch, W J Morrell, P E H Gregg, R B Stewart, N Bolan, D Horne, S C Mulshaw, B L Coira, M K de Brodtkorb, P J Coney, J H Youngson, A C Verbeeten, A J Crawford, S M Eggins, P Maillet, M J Lawrence, R J Korsch, J M Totterdell, R A Binns, J M Parr, S D Scott, J B Gemmell, P M Herzig, D Cluzel, G Clarke, J Aitchison, W S Fyfe, J Pfahlert, A Williamson, G J Fleming, R A Fisher, A P Brown, K P Denwer, B A Mowat, P M Hancock, T Albinson, R Simcock, C Ross, R Pei, X Qiu, J Zhu, S Hu, P Ni, P Chen, H Xu, R Goldfarb, D Skinner, A Christie, P Haeussler, D Bradley, P J Williams, N D Adshead, K L Blake, G de Jong, G Mark, J F Rotherham, J F H Thompson, J K Mortensen, J R Lang, K A Mason, M L Cummings, I E M Smith, P M Black, T Itaya, B W Christenson, D O Hayba, M D Hannington, D S Clarke, G K Mathias, J Fleming, D Tyrwhitt, R M Weston, J C Bokich, M J Barr, J E Nethery, G H Cameron, V J Wall, J L Walshe, C A Heinrich, A G Reyes, J Cassidy, C A Locke, N P Romanovsky, L A Maslov, F Nie, G Liu, P V Yelpatyevsky, V S Arzhanova, V P Elpatyevskaya, N C Sturchio, T P Fischer, S N Williams, S Pontual, N Merry, T Cocks, A V Haworth, W Mori, G B Boswell, M R Stevens, R H Sillitoe, V G Varnavsky, J G Scott, N C White, V Poizat, T Farrell, C H Leiner, K P Hammerschmid, I F Bell, A T Lawson, P Hensley, R Byrnes, B G Lottermoser, M Muller, M Bethwaite, G A Brown, Q G Amos, W F Giggenbach, T Zhou, P B O'Sullivan, D A Foster, B P Kohn, A J W Gleadow, A Raza, K Zaw, S R Hunns, T P Mernagh, C G Ryan, R R Large, R A Both, H J Cargill, A Swain, S Murao, S H Sie, T Takagi, R Seetharam, K Naito, K Nakayama, M L Walker, J C Zhao, J J J Chen, R C Duckworth, L S Gramberg, E N Isaev, J M Allen, G J Artmont, K Palmer, G L Unwin, M J Mitchell, D Shatwell, Y Fukahori, H Peiming, W Sakurai, H Shimazaki, Y Matsuhisa, C A Panther, M E Crump, Z C Ye, B I Winters, H Rogers, O Gregory, C Garlick, G Xu, S Yao, C Zhang, P Wang, S Vearncombe, R Kerrich
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Approved activity
- Published: 1995
- Unique ID: PA-199509