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Conference Proceedings

PACRIM '95 Congress, Auckland, New Zealand, November 1995

Conference Proceedings

PACRIM '95 Congress, Auckland, New Zealand, November 1995

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Exploration of Porphyry Copper Lithocaps

Lithocaps are potentially voluminous zones of advanced argillic and associated argillic alteration located above the
subvolcanic intrusive environment. They constitute exploration objectives for epithermal and porphyry-type deposits.
High-sulphidation epithermal deposits may be sought within lithocaps, whereas low-sulphidation deposits may exist on
their edges. Porphyry Cu-Au/Au deposits may be accessible beneath lithocaps if systems are telescoped sufficiently.
Oxidation of the basal, pyritic parts of lithocaps may promote supergene sulphide enrichment under appropriate tectonic
and climatic conditions.
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  • Published: 1994
  • PDF Size: 1.182 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199509034

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