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Conference Proceedings

PACRIM 99 Congress

Conference Proceedings

PACRIM 99 Congress

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Common Sense and Good Communication in Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation

Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve estimation is a challenging and demanding field, requiring application of professional knowledge, skill and experience of the highest order. If the many potential pitfalls are to be avoided, however, there are two other requirements which are of equal, if not greater, importance:good communication, andcommon sense.Estimation of Mineral Resources and particularly of Ore Reserves is almost always a team effort, involving a number of disciplines. Good teamwork requires good communication, both between team members and between the team and other parties having an interest in the process. Breakdown in these lines of communication can have far reaching effects on the project under consideration. The need to use common sense during a Resource or Reserve estimation exercise would seem to be self-evident. It is surprising, however, how often rigid adherence to procedures and methods prevails at the expense of clear thinking, usually with adverse and sometimes fatal effects on the project under consideration. This has become increasingly true as computerised methods have assumed a central role in Resource/Reserve estimation. The critical question that estimators should ask themselves at all stages of the process is: Is what is being done sensible given the data available, what is known of this deposit and the purpose of the exercise?'
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.063 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199904047

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