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PACRIM 99 Congress

Conference Proceedings

PACRIM 99 Congress

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Discovery of the High-Grade Gold Link Zone at Wafi, PNG

Siliceous float sampled in the Wafi River by CRA Exploration in 1977 assayed 22 g/t Au and 89 g/t Ag. Follow up in 1979 led to the discovery of outcropping mineralisation now known as Zone A. Soil sampling in 1980 and 1982 outlined a 350 m by 400 m area of >1 g/t Au at Zone A and smaller areas at Zones B, C and D. Thirty-one diamond holes were drilled between 1983 and 1986. Elders Resources continued evaluation of Zone A under a farming agreement between 1988 and 1990. Mineralised diorite porphyry was discovered in 1990 by drilling conceptual targets 500 m to the NE of Zone A. Evaluation of this copper-gold porphyry became the main focus of exploration for the next five years and a substantial resource was outlined within a single, discrete body. A review of the paths to project development in late-1995 highlighted the need for increased resources via a second mineralised porphyry and/or an additional resource of Zone A size to make the project viable. It was concluded that the greatest immediate potential for increasing the resource inventory was at Zone A itself where the mineralisation was open in all directions. Detailed mapping and drill core logging lead to the geologic and structural models being revised in early-1996. The objectives of the 1996 drill program were to extend the Zone A resource, to test for continuity of mineralisation westwards to Zone B, to better define the controls on gold mineralisation and to delineate high-grade blocks amenable to selective mining by infill drilling and 3D orebody modelling. The last drill hole of 1996 intersected 30 m at 4.6 g/t Au from 273 m in WR147, deep in the western limit of Zone A. This intersection gave impetus to continue drill testing towards Zone B. In April 1997, hole WR154 was drilled 100 m to the west of WR147 and intersected 20 m at 8.5 g/t Au and 70 m at 11.0 g/t Au at similar depths near the diatreme contact. Drill hole WR155 was then drilled 100 m to the west of WR154 and intersected 86m at 5.7 g/t Au and WR159 drilled 100 m to the south of WR154 intersected 36 m at 9.2 and 50 m at 4.4 g/t Au. A significant zone of essentially blind, high-grade gold was discovered beneath the dipping flank of a poorly mineralised diatreme in what became known as the Link Zone. The long history of evaluation has been driven by the conviction of a dedicated team that a mineralised system of the size and complexity of Wafi with strongly anomalous gold in outcrops over the entire Mount Golpu area must contain economic mineralisation hidden within it. The keys which redefined the direction of exploration and lead to the discovery of the blind, high-grade gold Link Zone were, in our view, the critical review of the project status, detailed geological and structural studies to define clear exploration targets and the necessary funding and persistence to carry this through.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 3.695 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199904007

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