Conference Proceedings
PACRIM 99 Congress
Conference Proceedings
PACRIM 99 Congress
Geology, Alteration and Mineralisation of the Tampakan Copper Deposit
The Tampakan deposit is a strongly telescoped high-sulphidation-epithermal/ porphyry deposit pair which is hosted by a sequence of probable Pliocene age subaerial andesite flows. These host units lie on the western flank of a deeply dissected andesitic stratovolcano within the northernmost portion of the Sangihe Arc in southern Mindanao. The deposit was discovered by WMC geologists in 1992 and is currently undergoing resource evaluation. Preliminary resource estimations indicate a total inferred metal content of 12 million tonnes of copper metal and 16 million ounces of gold. Using a 0.2 per cent Cu cut-off grade, the deposit has a current mineral resource of approximately 2.5 billion tonnes with an estimated grade of 0.48 per cent copper. At a higher cut-off grade of 0.5 per cent Cu, the mineral resource is approximately 900 million tonnes with an estimated grade of 0.75 per cent copper. Mineralisation is open both to the west and at depth. The Tampakan district is centrally located with respect to a 100 km wide zone of left-lateral strike-slip deformation represented by the trans-Mindanao Cotabato Fault Zone. The district is transected by several WNW-striking wrench faults which represent strands of the regional Cotabato Fault Zone. High-sulphidation epithermal mineralisation within the Tampakan deposit is strongly controlled by NNE-trending faults which lie along a dilational orientation within the Pliocene stress field associated with the Cotabato strike-slip fault zone. The mineralisation is broadly hosted by a gently-dipping, tabular zone of partial to massive silicification which displays multi-phase brecciation, acid-leaching, related vuggy porosity and which is developed within a district-scale advanced-argillic and argillic lithocap exceeding 90 km 2 in area. High-sulphidation epithermal mineralisation is associated with a silica-pyrophyllite-dickite-alunite-diasporesericite alteration assemblage which is transitional downward to sericite-chlorite alteration and relict potassic biotite-chlorite-magnetite-anhydrite alteration associated with pervasively developed but weakly mineralised porphyry quartz stockwork veins. The high-sulphidation mineralisation is dominated by disseminated, vein and vug-filling enargite-bornite-digenite-chalcocite-covellite_x000D_
molybdenite which has overprinted an earlier phase of porphyry copper stockwork veins associated with high-level porphyritic hornblende diorite stocks. The distribution of high-sulphidation alteration and mineralisation reflects strong stratigraphic and structural controls. The high-sulphidation mineralisation covers a surface area of approximately 1.6 km by 2.0 km and forms a tabular, flat-lying to gently-dipping body between 200 and 500 metres thick. It is intersected at RL-1200 m ASL (at surface) in the northern portion of the deposit and extends down to RL-600 m ASL at the southern end. The deposit has been diamond-drill tested to a depth of 400 - 500 metres where low-grade chalcopyrite-bornite-pyrite mineralisation is hosted by pervasive quartz stockwork veins. This deep-level mineralisation represents the outer portion of a porphyry Cu system hosted by both andesite flows and the uppermost portions of high-level hornblende diorite stocks. Deep drilling to test for higher tenor porphyry Cu mineralisation is planned.
molybdenite which has overprinted an earlier phase of porphyry copper stockwork veins associated with high-level porphyritic hornblende diorite stocks. The distribution of high-sulphidation alteration and mineralisation reflects strong stratigraphic and structural controls. The high-sulphidation mineralisation covers a surface area of approximately 1.6 km by 2.0 km and forms a tabular, flat-lying to gently-dipping body between 200 and 500 metres thick. It is intersected at RL-1200 m ASL (at surface) in the northern portion of the deposit and extends down to RL-600 m ASL at the southern end. The deposit has been diamond-drill tested to a depth of 400 - 500 metres where low-grade chalcopyrite-bornite-pyrite mineralisation is hosted by pervasive quartz stockwork veins. This deep-level mineralisation represents the outer portion of a porphyry Cu system hosted by both andesite flows and the uppermost portions of high-level hornblende diorite stocks. Deep drilling to test for higher tenor porphyry Cu mineralisation is planned.
B Rohrlach, A Madera, R Watt
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- Published: 1999
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- Unique ID: P199904055