Conference Proceedings
PACRIM 99 Congress
Conference Proceedings
PACRIM 99 Congress
Geology, Mineralisation and Genesis of the Alkaline Dinkidi Cu-Au Porphyry, North Luzon, Philippines
The Dinkidi Cu-Au porphyry deposit is situated in the Caraballo Range of North Luzon, Philippines. Although comparatively small, Dinkidi has unusually high gold grades with drilling by Climax-Arimco Mining Corporation delineating a 110 Mt orebody at 1.2 g/t gold and 0.5 per cent copper. The magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of Dinkidi records a distinctive switch in mineralisation from an early orthoclase-dominated Au-rich assemblage, typical of alkaline porphyry systems, to a later quartz stockwork Au-Cu rich assemblage typical of most calc-alkaline to shoshonitic porphyry systems. The early orthoclase-dominated stage is associated with the intrusion and crystallisation of a variably-textured clinopyroxene-syenite dyke that contains high-grade (5 - 20 g/t) gold mineralisation. We consider this dyke to be a Cu-Au porphyry analogue to the pegmatites found in granitic systems. Dinkidi is hosted within the Early Miocene Didipio Igneous Complex. This alkaline igneous complex is comprised of early unmineralised gabbros (pyroxene-plagioclase cumulates), clinopyroxenites (pyroxene cummulates), diorites and monzodiorites that have been intruded by a large, weakly mineralised monzonite pluton. The Dinkidi deposit is located at the southern margin of the monzonite pluton. Mineralisation is hosted within a composite monzonite stock. Within the stock, an 800 metres by ~200 metres (plan section) elongate monzonite stock (Tunja Monzonite) predates and hosts the bulk of the Au-Cu mineralisation. This has been intruded by the thin (10 to 30 m wide), highly mineralised variably-textured magnetite- and clinopyroxene- phyric syenite pegmatite (the Balut Dyke). The youngest phases of the composite stock are leucocratic quartz-monzonite porphyry (Quan Porphyry) that grades texturally, in its core, into a post-mineralisation crystal-crowded quartz-syenite (Bufu Felsite). The late-stage Bufu Felsite is inferred to be the source of much of the Cu-Au mineralisation. The Didipio Igneous Complex has intruded a sequence of Late Oligocene alkaline andesitic lavas and volcaniclastics and overlying potassic dacitic lavas. Whole rock geochemical analyses indicate that the intrusions and the potassic dacite lavas in the surrounding region are co-magmatic. Five main stages of hydrothermal activity are recorded at Dinkidi. An unmineralised K-silicate (biotite-magnetite) alteration assemblage formed during the intrusion of the Tunja Monzonite stock. The diorites surrounding the stock display intense selectively pervasive biotite and magnetite alteration and are cut by an extensive network of orthoclase veins and monzonite dykes. The orthoclase-dominated assemblages of Stage Two carry substantial high-grade Au mineralisation and are associated with the intrusion of the Balut Dyke. The emplacement of this unusual dyke is associated with emplacement of pegmatitic clinopyroxene-orthoclase-magnetitesulphide dykes, localised orthoclase flooding along the margins of the dyke, and subsequent emplacement of an extensive orthoclase-actinolite-bornitechalcopyrite-fluorite stock-work, and development of widespread selectively pervasive actinolite alteration. The main stage of Au-Cu mineralisation at Dinkidi is intimately associated with the intrusion and initial crystallisation of the leuco-monzonite porphyry (Quan Porphyry) and emplacement of a quartz stockwork followed by carbonate-sulphide deposition and intense vein-related sericite and carbonate alteration assemblages. The quartz stockwork formed synchronous with the deposition of the Bugoy Quartzolite', a very coarse grained mosaic of quartz-orthoclase-perthite along the walls and top of the crystallising intrusion. Stage 3 was terminated by crystallisation of the distinctively vuggy Bufu quartz-syenite phase in the core of the intrusive, with associated antiperthite veins, and the subsequent explosive brecciation of the roof of the intrusion, forming a quartz-fragment breccia from the Bugoy Quartzolite. Retrograde metasomatism during Stage Four was intimately associated with the emplacement of extensive, late-stage carbonate, silica and zeolite veins and widespread selectively pervasive carbonate alteration. The last hydrothermal stage at Dinkidi, Stage 5, is comprised of strong selectively pervasive clay alteration and is associated with fault-related brecciation of the Dinkidi stock.
R C Wolfe, D R Cooke, P Joyce
Geology, Mineralisation and Genesis of the Alkaline Dinkidi Cu-Au Porphyry, North Luzon, PhilippinesPDFThis product is exclusive to Digital library subscription
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- Published: 1999
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- Unique ID: P199904054