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PACRIM 99 Congress

Conference Proceedings

PACRIM 99 Congress

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Geology of the Deep Ore Zone, Ertsberg East Skarn System, Irian Jaya

The Deep Ore Zone (DOZ) is a block cave mining operation exploiting a diluted reserve of 131 million tonnes grading 1.06 per cent copper and 0.81 g/t gold in the lower portion of the Ertsberg East Skarn System (EESS). The EESS is a calcium-magnesium silicate skarn containing in excess of 250 million tonnes of copper-gold ore, located in the Ertsberg Mining District on the crest of the Jawawijaya mountain range in the highlands of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. The EESS was discovered in 1968 where it cropped out at an elevation of 4050 metres above sea level. The Ertsberg Mining District is underlain by siliclastic carbonate and siltstone formations of Jurassic to Tertiary age. The sediments have been folded and are cut by major bedding subparallel and crosscutting structures. Intrusion of a series of igneous bodies post-dates folding and faulting. These I-type intrusions are the source for the copper-gold mineralisation found in the Ertsberg Mining District. The EESS is hosted by carbonates of the Tertiary Waripi and Faumai Formations that have been altered to calcium-magnesium silicate skarn and is situated on the southern limb of a northwest-trending syncline. The EESS is an essentially vertical tabular body with a vertical extent of at least 1200 metres and a lateral extent of up to 1000 metres. The width of the EESS averages 200 metres and locally is in excess of 300 metres. The northeast (hangingwall) contact of the EESS is a skarn reaction front in sudden contact with barren marbles. This contact coincides with a zone of localised faulting and brecciation. The EESS is bounded to the southwest (footwall) by the Ertsberg Diorite, a 3.25 Ma old intrusive. The DOZ block cave operation extends from 3040 metres above sea level to a maximum of 3388 metres above sea level, has a length of 860 metres and a maximum width of 350 metres. The DOZ is a high temperature skarn with a prograde forsterite/diopside mineralogy whose protolith is the dolomitic Tertiary Waripi Formation. The principal retrograde alteration minerals include tremolite, actinolite, serpentine, talc and chlorite. Grade is highest where bornite occurs in large dense complex intergrowths with magnetite and anhydrite. Grade has been locally enhanced in the DOZ by a late-stage pyrite-chalcopyrite hydrothermal alteration event with associated brecciation. Ertsberg Diorite along the footwall of the skarn is also included in the reserve where it is mineralised endoskarn or has been mineralised by porphyrytic or late stage hydrothermal alteration. Formation of the EESS was initiated by contact metamorphism during the intrusion of the Ertsberg Diorite with later metasomatic alteration during both prograde and retrograde phases. The bulk of sulphide mineralisation formed late in the retrograde phase. The EESS is open along strike to the northwest and down-dip with on-going exploration of these areas. Current exploration is targeting both endoskarn and porphyry style alteration and mineralisation of the Ertsberg Diorite.
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  • Geology of the Deep Ore Zone, Ertsberg East Skarn System, Irian Jaya
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 5.269 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199904057

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