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PACRIM 99 Congress

Conference Proceedings

PACRIM 99 Congress

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Intrusion-Alteration-Mineralisation Relationships in the Frieda River Igneous Complex, PNG

Recent exploration by the Cyprus Amax-Highlands Pacific-OMRD Joint Venture at the Frieda River project, PNG has demonstrated the extent of igneous phases, alteration and mineralisation, and the relationships between the various mineralisation styles in this major Cu-Au porphyry-epithermal system. The project area is in the obducted volcano-sedimentary section of the New Guinea mobile belt 78 km NE of Ok Tedi. It is between two major NNE dipping faults interpreted to have undergone thrusting then sinistral shear in the Late Miocene to Recent. The Frieda River Igneous Complex is a 15 km 7 km ovoid area with a central pod of basaltic andesite volcanics with cogenetic diorite to quartz diorite subvolcanic intrusions, and flanking clastic sediments. A series of late-stage, hornblende quartz diorite plugs ring the main igneous mass. The igneous rocks have a normal K calc-alkaline character with a very limited compositional variation. The intrusives are exposed on the eastern flank of the complex and have five mappable units and numerous defined phases. The southeastern quarter of the complex is host to a cluster of at least seven stockwork porphyry copper and skarn-hosted deposits within an area of 4.5 3.5 km. The Horse-Ivaal and Koki deposits have identified resources totalling 804 mt @ 0.46 per cent Cu and 0.3 ppm Au, and the other deposits are in various stages of exploration. All these deposits are related to the Horse Microdiorite phase of the Complex and are outlined by a zone of potassic-propylitic-SCC alteration. Local overprinting argillic and advanced argillic alteration is related to a separate, post-porphyry mineralisation intrusive phase. The recent emphasis has been on the identification of higher-grade zones using ideas of structural control and specific intrusive-alteration-mineralisation relationships within the known resource areas. An elongate area 13 km x 4 km in the centre of the Complex has advanced argillic alteration in the volcanic rocks. This alteration zone hosts the Nena deposit (52.8 mt @ two per cent Cu and 0.7 ppm Au) and approximately 20 prospects of high sulphidation type. These deposits are distributed along two prominent NW-trending siliceous ridges interpreted as regional scale structures. Nena is a pod of vein and replacement sulphides hosted in a tectonically controlled multiphase breccia that overprints the advanced argillic alteration. The Nena deposit is 4 km from the nearest of the major porphyry occurrences. It is underlain by basemetal veins and minor porphyry mineralisation that are related to the Flimtem Trachyandesite intrusive phase. The recent search for additional Nena-type ore has focussed on the siliceous ridges using detailed structural and geochemical ore control criteria. Widespread, but poorly mineralised, basemetal-bearing carbonate and sulphate veins form a ring around the mineralised area. These veins have sericitic selvages, cut the porphyry mineralisation, but are cut by and locally underlie the silica-alunite phase of the advanced argillic alteration. The current model is that there are discrete intrusive phases responsible for each of major hydrothermal events at Frieda. These include from oldest to youngest:the Koki phase has no related alteration or mineralisation;the dominant Frieda phase has the hornfels, early skarn and minor magnetite-chalcopyrite mineralisation;the Horse phase has the bulk of porphyry copper and skarn-hosted mineralisation and minor basemetal veins;the peripheral Knob phase is barren; andthe Flimtem phase has the high sulphidation epithermal deposits and minor porphyry and vein mineralisation. The intrusive phases span the interval 17 to 11.5 Ma and are co-magmatic. They represent discrete batches off the parent magma, rather than simple fractionation products.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 4.425 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199904056

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