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Conference Proceedings

PACRIM 99 Congress

Conference Proceedings

PACRIM 99 Congress

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Modelling of Multiple Narrow Veins from Geology to Mining - the Tasmania Reef, Beaconsfield, Tasmania

This paper discusses the computerisation of the drill hole database, some historical records and the creation of a three-dimensional model of the gold bearing structures for resource estimation and mine design at the Beaconsfield Gold Mine in northern Tasmania. The phase of the work reported here commenced in November 1997 and was completed in March 1998. The historical mining on the Tasmania Reef had reached a depth of 450 m below surface when work ceased in 1914. Production up to this time was 854 000 ounces gold. Recent activity has concentrated on testing depth extensions of the previously mined ore structure, to a depth of 1000 m below surface, and the establishment of an underground mining operation to exploit this resource. The lode structure at Beaconsfield is a typical mesothermal vein style deposit. Gold is contained within narrow quartz, carbonate and minor sulphide reefs or veins. Reef width is variable from a few centimetres to several metres with splits' or bifurcations being common. The reef averages 2.7 m true width in the economic zones. The key feature of this style of mineralisation is that reef continuity can be confirmed by drilling to a high level of confidence, but the gold grades are somewhat more erratic in nature. The resource estimates were based entirely on drill data. The drill intercepts on the reef were coded for each split directly into a database and these allocations validated graphically. The distribution of grades and widths show an increasing gold grade with reef width for both the drill hole and historical data. The same histogram patterns, mixed populations and overall arithmetic average grade for the historical mine (at 21.52 g/t > 3 g/t Au) and new drill data (at 21.55 g/t > 3 g/t Au) would indicate that there has been no major change in the overall style or grade of the ore from the historically mined areas to the new resource. The reef, host geology, area of historical workings and resource zones at the Beaconsfield Mine were defined as a series of closed wireframes. The Tasmania Reef was modelled as five mutually exclusive wireframes, one each for the Main Reef, Footwall split, Second footwall split, Third footwall split and Hangingwall split. The data for this exercise was extracted directly from the drill hole database, stored in Microsoft Access format. The formation of the solids was largely automated with manual validation and refinements allowing for multiple runs using different interpolation methods and combinations of drill holes. A rotated 3D-block model in the plane of the Tasmania Reef was created to contain the grade model and allow for tonnage, grade and reef width estimates. An inverse distance squared (ID2) interpolation method was used with ranges of 25 m along strike and 125 m down plunge with blank areas infilled with 50 m by 250 m. Each reef split was filled separately using only drill intercepts from that split. The method was independently validated used MIK methods. Longitudinal sections have been prepared showing gold grade, reef width and width grade. Estimates were also made for arsenic, sulphur and other minor elements. The long sections show three distinct mining zones. A method is presented for the conversion of the resources to reserves by the addition of mining parameters for minimum mining width, minimum pillar, cut-off grade and internal and external dilution. The selection is done on columns within the block model, and allows for all splits to be considered at once. Multiple runs can be made for varying combinations of parameters to test different mining methods and their impact on reserves, mine life and NPV.
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  • Modelling of Multiple Narrow Veins from Geology to Mining - the Tasmania Reef, Beaconsfield, Tasmania
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  • Modelling of Multiple Narrow Veins from Geology to Mining - the Tasmania Reef, Beaconsfield, Tasmania
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 5.843 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199904044

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