Conference Proceedings
PACRIM 99 Congress
Conference Proceedings
PACRIM 99 Congress
Nena High Sulphidation-Type Deposit, Frieda River, PNG: Host-Rock Types, Hydrothermal Alteration and Copper-Gold Mineralisation
The Nena high sulphidation-type copper-gold deposit is composed of andesitic pyroclastic units with minor interstratified lava flows. Epiclastic sandstone and conglomerate, and siliciclastic rocks consisting of mudstone, shale, lithic and bioclastic sandstone and conglomerate are locally present. Pre-mineral diorite intruded and domed the volcano-siliciclastic sequence. Economic copper-gold is hosted by vuggy quartz altered lapilli tuff and tuff breccia. The early hydrothermal alteration stage involved deposition of epithermal banded quartz and chalcedonic silica in localised environments. This alteration stage was locally superimposed by a hydrothermal breccia event. Following the breccia event, magmatically-derived volatiles were channelled through a NW striking dilational fault zone and generated the high sulphidation alteration. The high sulphidation alteration is zoned from a vuggy quartz core with local massive replacement silica through a broad pyritic quartz-alunite halo and finally to a thin illite-smectite zone. This is surrounded by regional chlorite-epidote-smectite alteration. A gangue mineral phase consisting of quartz, alunite and baryte overprinted the zoned high sulphidation alteration and preceded the main copper-gold-arsenic mineralisation. Early sulphide deposition is characterised by marcasite, arsenical pyrite and melnicovenite. Main-stage copper-gold mineralisation involved sequential deposition of hypogene bladed covellite+chalcocite, enargite-luzonite and luzonite+stibioluzonite respectively. The copper sulphides are zoned from bladed covellite-chalcocite in the north (cross-sections 5000 - 5600 N) through enargite-luzonite (cross-sections 4700 - 5000 N) and to luzonite????stibioluzonite in the south (cross-sections 4400 - 4700 N). A late phase of minor acicular covellite and enargite+luzonite overprinted the zoned copper sulphides and associated gold mineralisation. Gold mineralisation commenced at the transition from enargite to luzonite, and continued through the deposition of luzonite-stibioluzonite in both stages. Most gold was deposited during the main-stage mineralisation. Yellow native sulphur was deposited in the remaining vugs and defines the waning stage of the hydrothermal system. Post-mineral dioritic intrusives and feldspar porphyries intruded the volcano-siliciclastic sequence. Finally, supergene chemical processes with associated erosion and uplift generated a 40 - 50 m thick oxide-hosted gold cap. The oxide gold cap is underlain by a 35 - 45 m thick blanket of supergene chalcocite+covellite mineralisation which overlies and occurs throughout the main hypogene copper-gold zone. Supergene gold is related to the distribution of primary gold-bearing sulphides. Therefore, remobilisation and redeposition of gold are considered to be insignificant and very localised.
J O Espi
Nena High Sulphidation-Type Deposit, Frieda River, PNG: Host-Rock Types, Hydrothermal Alteration and Copper-Gold MineralisationPDFThis product is exclusive to Digital library subscription
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- Published: 1999
- PDF Size: 1.726 Mb.
- Unique ID: P199904051