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Conference Proceedings

PACRIM 99 Congress

Conference Proceedings

PACRIM 99 Congress

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Ore Shoot Targeting by Recognition of Upflow and Outflow, Low Sulphidation Epithermal Gold Deposits

Two types of low sulphidation epithermal deposits that have different gangue mineralogies and ore shoot geometries are recognised. One has laterally near-continuous ore shoots over a significant vertical interval that consist of quartz, chalcedony, pyrite, minor base metal sulphides and adularia, with electrum. The other type of deposit has discrete near-vertical ore shoots of a lesser vertical extent, that consist of quartz, pyrite, base metal sulphides, sulphosalts, electrum and in their upper parts barite, which are enclosed in veins of earlier quartz. The gold mineralisation in both deposit types is considered to be a co-precipitate of pyrite, with that in the first type of deposit produced by prolonged boiling in an upflow of a hydrothermal system (Upflow Deposits); an example is Waihi in New Zealand. The other type is produced by mixing, a deep water primed for gold deposition by prior limited boiling, with an iron-bearing oxidised condensate of the steam released by the boiling, in an outflow of a hydrothermal system (Outflow Deposits); an example is Thames in New Zealand. Early recognition of these different types of deposits can be used to develop mineralisation models of predictive value on which to focus exploration drilling. Early recognition of an Upflow Deposit promotes an extensive program to delineate the extension of the main ore shoot. In contrast recognition of an Outflow Deposit requires a more intensive approach to find individual ore shoots which, although smaller than those found in Upflow Deposits, may be high-grade, particularly if there is earlier mineralisation present to act as a protore.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 1.913 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199904071

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