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Conference Proceedings

PACRIM 99 Congress

Conference Proceedings

PACRIM 99 Congress

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Setting and Origin of Miocene Giant Ore Deposits in the Central Andes

Central Andean (22S to 34S latitude) Miocene giant ore deposits share common features that reveal their origin. Tectonic and magmatic features include a relation to a shallow subduction zone, an association with the waning or initiation of a magmatic episode, emplacement at the time of uplift associated with crustal thickening and formation at times of major magmatic changes along the Andean margin. Rare Earth Element (REE) signatures in magmas erupted near the time of mineralisation indicate a progressive change from equilibration at depth with a hydrous, intermediate-pressure amphibole-bearing mineral residue to equilibration with an anhydrous high-pressure garnet-bearing assemblage. These features point to a common history. First, a relatively shallow subduction zone leads to hydration of a cool mantle wedge providing a source of fluids which builds up over at least several million years. Arc magmas formed at this time equilibrate with a hornblende-bearing residual mineralogy. Second, a compressive tectonic regime leads to crustal shortening and thickening that facilitates entrapment of arc magmas in the crust. Eventually, the magma-weakened crust yields to horizontal compression causing rapid crustal thickening. Fluids required for mineralisation are liberated as amphibole-bearing assemblages break down to garnet-bearing ones and over pressured fluids are released from plutons. Mineralisation subsequently ceases in the region unless continued dehydration of the slab and mechanical thinning of the continental lithosphere causes the previous conditions to repeat. The type of mineral deposit generated depends on the pre-existing continental lithosphere and the distance from the trench.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 3.402 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199904002

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