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PACRIM 99 Congress

Conference Proceedings

PACRIM 99 Congress

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Settings and Styles of High-Sulphidation Gold Deposits in the Cajamarca Region, Northern Per

The Yanacocha district hosts the largest and most significant acid-sulphate, high-sulphidation deposits in Per with total production, reserves and resources of over 27 million ounces of gold. Several other smaller high-sulphidation systems are also recognised in the Cajamarca region including La Zanja, Sipn, Tantahuatay, and San Nicolas. These each have reserves/resources of between 640 000 and 800 000 ounces of gold. Gold deposits in the Yanacocha district are hosted in an extensive volcanic field. Flow domes have intruded precursor pyroclastic rocks and flows that are interpreted as part of an earlier intermediate multi-vent volcanic complex. The larger, contiguous Yanacocha Norte - Sur and Encajon gold deposits are spatially associated with late-stage diatreme breccias. At La Zanja extensive acid-sulphate alteration is associated with the margins of the small San Pedro caldera (6 4.5 km), nested within the larger, less well-defined La Zanja caldera (19 24 km). The inner caldera is resurgent with abundant magmatism expressed as several flow dome complexes located on the caldera rim, and shallow level intrusive stocks. Gold mineralisation is associated with a WNW-trending structural corridor that transects the southern margin of the San Pedro caldera. On the eastern side of the La Zanja caldera there are a series of younger andesitic eruptive centres, some associated with acid-sulphate alteration and gold mineralisation. The Sipn deposit occurs in one such centre with structurally-controlled gold associated with a NE-trending silicified structure developed within a sequence of andesitic tuffs. In conclusion, although a number of high-sulphidation deposits are recognised in northern Per, their settings and styles of mineralisation are all quite different. Smaller deposits generally have strong and obvious structural controls. In the larger Yanacocha deposits the structural controls are less obvious, and mineralisation is disseminated in porous or strongly fractured and brecciated silica. Erosional levels are probably a significant factor, with disseminated mineralisation at higher levels, and structurally-controlled mineralisation in more deeply eroded deposits.
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  • Settings and Styles of High-Sulphidation Gold Deposits in the Cajamarca Region, Northern Per
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 3.082 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199904049

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