Conference Proceedings
PACRIM 99 Congress
Conference Proceedings
PACRIM 99 Congress
Supergene Enrichment of the Khanong Copper Resource, Sepon Project, Lao PDR
The Khanong supergene-enriched copper resource, (~23 Mt at 3.0 per cent Cu), is one of several resources recently discovered in the intrusive-centred, sediment-hosted Au-Cu Sepon mineral field located in southern Lao PDR. The unusual style of hypogene mineralisation and unique set of conditions have resulted in the development and preservation of a supergene-enriched profile in this subtropical climate. Hypogene sulphide-rich mineralisation replaced calcareous cataclastite (fault rock) developed in the flat-lying, extensional, Khanong Fault. Spatially, the hypogene mineralisation was immediately out board of the skarn - hornfels Cu-Bi front and in board of sediment hosted Au-(As-Sb) mineralisation in a zoned intrusive-centred hydrothermal system. In situ supergene enrichment of the sulphide protore has resulted in a high-grade chalcocite-clay zone (~10.3 Mt at 4.6 per cent Cu) overlain by leached limonite-clay. A very high-grade in situ to exotic limonite-clay Cu-oxide-mineral zone is locally developed above impermeable dolomite at the base of chalcocite-clay zone. Exotic Cu-Mn-wad mineralisation developed for up to 1 km down the hydraulic gradient from the chalcocite-clay zone. Unique supergene enrichment conditions have resulted in the high-grade Khanong Cu resource in a subtropical weathering environment. The base of the currently active supergene profile coincides with the base of a flat-lying, pyrite-rich fault rock, dipping parallel to the hill slope, maximising Cu enrichment. Meteoric water has been channelled along subvertical faults and narrow horizontal subsurface zones. Low permeability of the fault host rock and footwall rocks has controlled the low volume and slow movement of groundwater required for supergene enrichment. Erosion has been slowed by the resistive ironstone and limonite-clay layer at surface, which assists in preserving the gentle slope over the chalcocite-clay zone.
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- Published: 1999
- PDF Size: 2.937 Mb.
- Unique ID: P199904030