Conference Proceedings
PNG Geology, Exploration and Mining Conference, Rabaul, June 1991
Conference Proceedings
PNG Geology, Exploration and Mining Conference, Rabaul, June 1991
Characteristics of the Tolukuma Au-Ag Deposit
The Tolukuma gold-silver prospect is located approximately 100km N of Port Moresby in the Central Province of Papua New Guinea (PNG). Epithermal "adularia-sericite" style mineralisation crops out over 1200m within an en echelon quartz veined zone 1 to lOm wide. At a 4g/t cut-off grade, a geological resource of approximately 1.47Mt @ 13.77g/t Au is indicated from 38 diamond drill holes completed since discovery by Newmont Pty Ltd in September 1986. At a regional scale, Tolukuma miner- alisation appears localised in a dilatant zone at the intersection of a 1150 magnetic structure, and the western margin of a N-S trending graben which is filled by a Pliocene volcanic complex contemporaneous with the Mt Davidson Volcanics 30km to the W. A l0km diameter circular Landsat feature, which may reflect magma emplacement at depth, occurs immediately N of Tolukuma and nearby mineralisation. Mineralisation at Tolukuma occurs in sub-vertical quartz veins at, or adjacent to the faulted contact between Pliocene basic and intermediate volcanics/intrusives, and quartz mica schists and phyllites of the Cretaceous Kagi Metamorphics. Most veins display evidence of multiple episodes of brecciation and textures indicative of cyclic boiling, including crustiform rhythmic banding and quartz pseudomorphs after platy calcite.
R P Langmead, R L McLeod
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- Published: 1991
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- Unique ID: P199104005