Conference Proceedings
Project Development Symposium, Sydney
Conference Proceedings
Project Development Symposium, Sydney
Development of the West Cliff Extended Project
In the Illawarra District of New South Wales, Mines were traditionally developed from the seabord. The advantages were close access to the working faces and a minimal depth of cover. Travelling times to the working faces have become prohibitive in many cases due to progressive westward development of the mines. As a result, additional vent- ilation shafts were sunk to service existing mines and new mines were established west of the Illawarra escarpment. Mining operations west of the escarpment are now being conducted at an increasing depth of cover and can be effected by gas related problems such as high seam gas emission rates and gas outbursts.
K Talbot
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- Published: 1983
- PDF Size: 0.401 Mb.
- Unique ID: P198303009