Conference Proceedings
Qld Coal Symposium, Brisbane, August 1991
Conference Proceedings
Qld Coal Symposium, Brisbane, August 1991
Bulk Density of Coal
An experimental study of the packing of a coal heap has been carried out. The bulk density of a coal heap is considered as a function of a number of variables, viz flow rate, conveyor belt speed, the height of the disengagement point of the conveyor belt, coal particle density, moisture content, the size of the heap and coal particle size distribution. The effects of the dimensionless numbers resulting from dimensional analysis on the packing density of a coal heap have been experimentally examined and analysed. Based on the experimental results, equations have been formulated for the estimation of the bulk density of a coal stockpile. The validity of these equations are checked by comparing the predictions with measurements of real industrial Stockpiles.
N Standish, A B Yu
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- Published: 1991
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